Friday, July 22, 2011



I'm beginning to see more and more people use the word piot when they want to say "even more so" or "what's more," as in :

"Ha gånna si Juan i rifa på'go na ha'åne!" "Juan won the raffle today!"
"Piot sa' på'go birthday-ña lokkue'!" "What's more, today's his birthday, too!"

The problem with using piot in this context is that piot means "worse."  Its meaning is "even worse so," or "what's even worse."  So piot can't be used in a positive context, like winning a raffle or being released from prison and so on.

"Mutcho mås sa'," would be the expression used in the birthday example above.

Piot can be used in a negative context, to denote a worse or compounding negative condition.

"Ma aresta si Juan på'go na ha'åne." "John was arrested today."
"Piot sa' birthday-ña på'go lokkue'." "Worse, because it's his birthday today, too."

"Birthday," by the way is kumpleaños but more and more people today use the English word.

Piot was borrowed from the Spanish peor, which means "worse."

Trås is a more flexible intensifier which can be used in either a negative or positive context.

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