Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Palo gi setmon para i Åño Nuebo
(Sermon excerpts for the New Year)

Ha sångan este na setmon si Påle' Lee gi 1961 na såkkan
(Preached by Father Lee in 1961)

I un åño kalan mohon sen anåkko' na tiempo.  Lao yanggen tumalak tatte hao, i un åño kalan mohon un dia ha'.  Meggai gi atboroton-miyo gi ma'pos na såkkan, ti man atdet på'go.  Si Yu'us nina' fan låla'la' hamyo, mientras palo siha ha ågang na u fanhuyong guine na lina'la'.  Palo siha na taotao, ni en sangåne "Felis Åño Nuebo" gi ma'pos na såkkan, man må'pos ha dalalak ayo siha i mangaige gi sementeyo.

Gi halom este na såkkan i para u huyong, buente guaha nai man mamadese hamyo minalångo, nina'mamahlao pat tentasion ni man fehman.  Lao resibe este siha komo regålon Yu'us nu hamyo.  Man nina' fattuye hamyo as Yu'us para en nina' fangåsgås para en faninayuda manhuyong mañåntos.  Ti en tingo' håfa u guaha para hamyo gi halom i sesentai uno na såkkan.  Lao una kosa ta tungo' na seguro : si Yu'us ha gofli'e kåda uno giya hamyo.  Fañåga hihot as Jesus ya si Jesus u såga hihot giya hamyo.  Yanggen gaige si Jesus hihot giya hamyo, håfa mina' para en fanchathinasso?

One year seems like such a long time.  But when you look back, one year seems like just a day.  Many of your troubles last year, aren't so serious today.  God makes you alive, while some He has called out of this life.  Some people, whom you greeted with a "Happy New Year" last year, have left to follow those who are in the cemetery.

Within this year which is beginning, perhaps there will be among you those who will suffer sickness, shame or fierce temptation.  But receive these as a gift from God.  God brings these to you to cleanse you, to help you become holy.  You don't know what 1961 will have for you.  But one thing we know for certain : that God loves each one of you.  Stay close to Jesus and Jesus will stay close to you.  If Jesus is close to you, what will make you worry?

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