Continuing the tradition of Påle' Roman
This young man, for all his youth, is committed heart and soul to traditional Chamorro hymnology. He tries to learn them all, and researches their origins. Just a little digging reveals that the majority of our Chamorro Catholic hymns are translations of pre-existing hymns from Europe, mostly Spanish, some Basque and a sprinkling of others.
So it is in complete adherence to tradition for Larry to take a Basque-Spanish hymn and compose a Chamorro version. He wrote these Chamorro lyrics for a song he is planning to have sung at the upcoming Sacred Heart fiesta in Chalan Pago. The orthography (spelling) is his :
1. Matuna hao – Korason Santo;
Hago, Magas giya hame;
Minagof todo i manñantos;
Hulon, Rai yan Sainanmame!
Bendise ham, Asaina, - Mames Korason Jesus;
yan pulan ham Santa Maria. – Umageftuna-ha, hamyo;
yan pulan ham Santa Maria. – Umageftuna-ha, hamyo.
2. Taihinekog na Yuus Tata, -
umatuna i Nananmo.;
Asie ham, - i taotao haya;
sa Hago ha’ sen takhilo!
3. Hago, ni matai gi Kiluus;
Nae ham ni bendisionmo.
Yoase na Kinilon Yuus,
todos ham famaguonmo!
4. In adora hao, Jesukristo,
gi sensantos na Ostia.
Umamaila i gobietnomo,
Magas Rai i man rai siha!
5. O Ininan si Yuus Tata,
I Santos na Espiritu;
Sainan manna nae linala;
Umatuna tai finagpo!
6. “Si Yuus gaige giya hago”
Santa Marian Kamalen,
Adahi ham yan i Lahimo;
Hago sen gasgas na Bithen.
Some Remarks
Hulon - this is an obsolete word, not used today, but this is a good way of reviving it. Among its several meanings, here it means "someone in authority."
Taotao Håya - was an older way of referring to Chamorros. The people who came from the direction of the ocean were the
Gi Lago or
Taotao Lågo.
Kinilo - means "lamb" The problem is there were no lambs on Guam, so Chamorros borrowed the Spanish word for "lamb" -
cordero. But therein lies another problem; two, actually. We Chamorros cannot pronounce an R or an L which come before another consonant. It becomes a T, as in when we say
Kåtlos when we mean Carlos. Second, we just have a hard time with R no matter where it is placed, so
cordero becomes
kotdelo, and in time it becomes
A Good Example
That a man in his late 20s can do this is not only a tribute to his talent but also serves as an inspiration for other young people to cast off all self-doubt and try their hand at doing Chamorro versions of lyrics, poetry or prose. Just make sure to have someone solid in the language look it over.