Wednesday, July 3, 2013


"Flirtacious Kitchen"

A Chamorro language class at UOG turned to the fun and practical; cooking Chamorro food.

The class divided into teams and demonstrated how to cook specific Chamorro recipes.  The Chamorro language was used as much as possible in the menus, recipes and conversation.

Lumpian Aga'
(Banana Rolls)
Cutting up the dough for the Buñuelos Månglo'
Buñuelos Månglo' are simple flour donuts and literally mean "wind fritters."  It could be so-called because they are so light, but there's also the belief that they were named after the typhoons, which blow a lot of wind.  Apparently, when the electricity was out because of the typhoons, women fried up these buñuelos.

Frying the donuts.

Gollai Åppan Kamute

Sweet potatoes were imported to Guam from Mexico.  Many Mexican soldiers and lay catechists were brought to Guam by the Spaniards.  In Gollai Åppan style, the starch is cooked in coconut milk.

In Saipan, they don't use the term Gollai Åppan.  They say Saibok.

Thickening the custard to top the sponge cake (broas) to make latiya.

Latiya comes from the Spanish natilla, or "custard."  The root of that word is nata, or "cream."  In Saipan, they pronounce it lantiyas.

The recipe for Buñuelos Månglo' written in both Chamorro and English.

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