Monday, February 26, 2018


Ti siña ma gåpot i dakngas.

(You cannot pull the hair of the bald.)

The man was bitterly resentful and jealous of the other man's popularity and talents. Slowly, beginning with just one or two people, then gradually speaking to as many as would listen to him, the man began to throw mud on his rival.

Eventually he was brazen enough to stand up in front of the audience and mock and insult the other man. All to no effect. When he was finished, the man he was trying to bring down replied,

"Tåya' problema entre hita na dos. Todo i defekto-ko ni un såsångan, guåho fine'nena hu atmite."
("There is no problem between us two. All my defects you speak of, I am the first to admit.")

The audience burst into enthusiastic applause, and the jealous man took his seat in humiliation.

An older man in the audience turned to another and said, "Ti siña ma gåpot i dakngas."

You cannot humiliate the humble, just as one cannot steal from someone who has nothing. You cannot kill the dead. You cannot pull the hair of a bald man.

If you try to humiliate the humble, you yourself will become humiliated by those standing by watching.

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