Monday, October 1, 2012


Gravestone of a Chamorro in Sumay
In Spanish

This lápida has cracked in two, and some parts are missing from the very top.  But, from what we can read, it says :

Concepcion Perez que
falleció el 10 de agos-
to de 1913 a los 9 añ-
os de edad.

(Concepcion Perez who
passed away the 10th of
August of 1913 at 9
years of age.)

In the bottom half :

(Su) Padre y Madre le de-
dican este recuerdo.
Rogar a Dios por su e-
terno descanso.

(Her father and mother
dedicate to her this memorial.
Pray to God for her eternal rest.
Rest In Peace.)


  • We can only assume the little girl's name was Concepcion Perez.  But since part of the låpida is missing, there is a remote chance Concepcion was her middle name and her first name is in the missing piece.  But I doubt it.

  • R.I.P. stands for Requiescat In Pace, which is Latin for "Rest In Peace."


  1. Pale',

    I notice after Rogar it says ADIOS. Do they mean here to say "pray to God for her eternal rest"?


  2. Yes, there really should be a space in between A and DIOS. Rogar a Dios. Pray to God. I missed that in my post.
