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Chamorro politics, whether on Guam or the Northern Marianas, was not for the weak-hearted. It was often rough and heated. Families would not speak to each other for years because of politics.
In Saipan, two political parties formed after World War II representing two different views about Marianas Reunification. The Popular Party was all for reuniting with Guam; the Progressive Party was against it. The majority of the Chamorros on Saipan supported reunification.
Among the many papers I have come across was this undated and anonymous letter, aimed at some unknown Progressive Party politician, written by an unknown supporter of reunification. It is written in that heated and passionate style seen in Chamorro politicians at the time.
Guåho uno yo' gi takpapa na siudadånon Saipan ya tåya', mañe'lu-ho yan mañaina-ho, na hu hungok pat hu tataitai taiguine na inapplacha' propagånda i ma praktitika ni i Progressive Party, i pattido ni kumokontra i dinanña' i Islas Marianas siha. (I am one of the humble citizens of Saipan, and, brothers and elders, I have never heard or read this kind of filthy propaganda done by the Progressive Party, the party which opposes the union of the Mariana Islands.)
I nina' huyong i Progressive Party na propagånda ma insutta klåroro i Atkåtde-ta. I Mayot mismo ti nina' kalentura nu este na åttilong påpet siha lao ha po'lo i hinengge-ña yan che'cho'-ña siha para i Tatå-ta gi langet u hinisga. I Mayot ha tungo' na ti ha bebende i manunas na taotao Saipan, lao gof seguro yo' na hågo ni uminsusutta gue' ha bebende låla'la', sa' hågo mampos hao dañao yan mampos bineno para hame ni man na' mase' na taotao Saipan. Rekohe todo ennao siha i produkto-mo ya un saosao gåsgagas yan lamlam åntes de un bende guato giya hame ni pupbliko. (The propaganda produced by the Progressive Party clearly insults our Mayor. The Mayor himself is not fired up by this black literature but puts his faith and efforts in our Father in heaven to judge. The Mayor knows that he isn't selling the righteous people of Saipan, but I am very sure that you who insult him are selling them alive, because you are very harmful and very poisonous for us the poor people of Saipan. Gather all your wares and wipe them clean and shiny before you sell them to us, the public.)
Ha na' gof pinite yo' sa' achataotao-ho ha' hu kokontra, lao i dinanche todo i tiempo bai hu dalalake ya båsta yo' ma fa'gaga'. Ti hu laknos este para bai hu propagånda pat para bai hu tulaika i minalago'-miyo, lao este ha' bai hu sangåne hamyo', "Adahe i ga'lågo siha giya Saipan ni kumeketucho' i pupbliko gi derecho yan pribilehion-ñiha." (It really pains me because I am opposing my fellow man, but I will always follow the right thing and I am done being fooled. I do not bring this out for propaganda or in order to change your will, but only this will I tell you, "Beware of the dogs in Saipan who try to devour the rights and privileges of the public.)
Yanggen malingo este na oppottunidåt i ma baba på'go pot i dinanña' i Islas Marianas, bai asegura hamyo na ni ngaian na u fåtto ta'lo mågi giya hita. I direkto guato America imposipble. (If this opportunity is lost which is opening up now for the union of the Mariana Islands, I assure you that it will never come back to us again. It is impossible to go directly to America.)
This anonymous writer was no prophet. The exact opposite happened. The Northern Marianas did negotiate directly with the U.S. and formed a Commonwealth separate from Guam, after Guam itself rejected unification in 1969.
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