Tuesday, June 18, 2024



Here's a song that, I believe, is not that old. At least I've never heard it before, and in my 62 years I have been around.

The song is sung on this recording by Kun Ka'ainoa and Nolas Kaliga.


Måtto un gå'ga' ni gumugupu tumohge gi hilo' apagå-ho;
(An animal came which flew, and stood on top of my shoulder;)
mañuñule' un kåtta gi piku-ña ginen as nåna i bendision.
(it was bringing a letter in its beak, a blessing from mother.)

Ai sumen chågo' tano'-ho, sumen chågo' yo' na gaige;
(Oh my place is far away, I am in a distant place;)
ya ni nåna yo' ni tåta sikiera un che'lo ni mamaisa.
(and I am neither a mother nor a father not even a sibling who is alone.)

Here is the video from MicroSongs

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